Terms of Service

Updated September 24, 2024


Enact Academy, LLC (collectively, "we," "us," or “Enact Academy”) provides you with access to online courses and services (“Services,” defined below) subject to the terms and conditions described in this document (this "Terms of Service") and any other guidelines, rules or licenses posted in connection with any Online Courses (defined below). These Terms of Service also include our Privacy Policy, incorporated by this reference.


By creating an account or by indicating your agreement to these Terms of Service through a similar mechanism, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, do not use the Services. The Services are not intended for, nor directed at, individuals under the age of 18. If you are under 18 years of age, do not use the Services.


Enact Academy provides many services (each a “Service” and together, the “Services”) through its website(s) located at enactacademy.org, healthlearn.org, as well as any other websites and applications owned, operated, or controlled by us (each a “Website” and collectively the “Websites”), including, without limitation, services, content, and materials made available through any website, social media channels, or other online or onsite channels that enable you to participate in any Enact Academy online educational programs (collectively, the “Online Courses”) and related services.

Enact Academy reserves the right to alter, modify, or rearrange the schedule of topics for the Online Courses, as well as the grading of assessments, assignments, and other measures of progress. By attending the Online Courses, Students acknowledge that Enact Academy maintains the right and ability to adapt, modify, or revise the Online Courses as Enact Academy deems appropriate.

Enact Academy reserves the right, at any time, to alter, or to discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services or any part of the Services, with or without notice to you. You agree that Enact Academy shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any alterations, suspensions, or discontinuance of the Services, or any portion thereof. Nothing in these Terms of Service shall be construed to obligate Enact Academy to maintain and support the Services.


There are different ways in which you may access or use the Services. In all instances, you are only authorized to use the Services if you agree to abide by all applicable laws, rules, regulations, as well as these Terms of Service. You may access the Services as:

  • a "Visitor," meaning any individual that browses any of our Services, including, without limitation, through a mobile or other wireless device without being registered; and/or

  • a "Student," meaning that you have registered an Account (defined below) to use one of the services.

The term "User" refers to a Visitor, Student, or any other person that participates, interacts with, or otherwise makes use of any of the Services.


You agree that you will never allow another person to access your account or take Enact Academy courses on your behalf.

To set up your Account, you may be asked to provide additional information, including your name, phone number, email address, and date of birth. Additional information may be required to confirm your identity upon setting up your Account. You understand and agree that all information provided by you is accurate, current, and complete and that you will maintain and update your information to keep it accurate, current, and complete. You acknowledge that if any information provided by you is untrue, inaccurate, not current, or incomplete, we reserve the right to terminate your use of the Services and your enrollment in any Online Courses.


We have the right to change or modify these Terms of Service at any time. Any change or modification to these Terms of Service will be effective immediately upon posting by Enact Academy on its Websites or applications, or as of the date indicated in the updated Terms of Service.


As a Student, you expressly consent to receive electronic communications, agreements, documents, notices, and disclosures of a transactional or operational nature as described more fully in the Privacy Policy. You agree that any and all electronic communications satisfy legal requirements that such communications be in writing. You affirm that you can store electronic communications such that they remain accessible to you without any alteration.


Enact Academy may make certain Online Courses available in partnership with Partner organizations, such as businesses, nonprofits, or universities. 

Partner organizations may offer certifications or academic or university credit for Online Courses provided in partnership with Enact Academy. In no event will Enact Academy have any authority or responsibility with respect to any award of academic credit or certification provided by a Partner for any Online Course. You acknowledge and agree that it is your sole responsibility to establish your eligibility for credit with Enact Academy’s Partners. 


As a condition of accessing or using any of the Services and/or Online Courses, you agree not to: 

  • violate any laws, regulations, or rules that apply to your use of the Services;

  • use any automated, electronic, high-volume, or third party means to access or utilize the Services;

  • harass other Students, Visitors, Online Course staff, or Enact Academy Employees;

  • cheat on or plagiarize any assignment, projects, or assessments, as applicable, for the Online Courses. Examples of cheating would include giving or receiving unpermitted aid on questions, sharing questions or their answers, looking up the answers to questions, using automated tools or artificial intelligence programs to answer questions, guessing answers without attempting to learn the material, or copying another User’s Online Course work;

  • copy, sell, repackage, distribute, or reproduce any content, videos, assessments, assignments, graphics, or text from Enact Academy’s Services, other than as expressly allowed under these Terms of Service;

  • frame the Services on third-party sites, place pop-up windows over any of its pages, or otherwise affect the display of its pages;

  • directly, or with any software, scrape or extract any content from the Websites, Online Courses, and/or Services; and/or

  • interfere with or disrupt the Services or servers or networks connected to the Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of networks connected to the Services.

In addition, you may not post, upload, or transmit to or otherwise make available through the Services any content, communications, or other information (collectively, "Unauthorized Content"):

  • that is obscene, fraudulent, indecent, or libelous or that defames, abuses, harasses, discriminates against or threatens others;

  • that contains any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or other disabling devices or other harmful components intended to or that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system, data, or personal information;

  • that infringes the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, or other intellectual property or proprietary right of any third party;

  • that violates the rights of other Users of the Services; or

  • that violates any applicable local, state, national or international law or otherwise advocates or encourages any illegal activity.


The Services and associated content are owned and operated by Enact Academy and/or its Partners. All content or other material available through the Services are the property of Enact Academy and/or its Partners or licensors and are protected by copyright, patent and/or other proprietary intellectual property rights under United States and foreign law.

Enact Academy logos, trademarks, and service marks which may appear on the Website(s), throughout the Services and in Online Courses, are the property of Enact Academy and are protected under United States and foreign laws. 


Subject to your compliance with these Terms of Service and your enrollment as a Student in an Online Course offered by Enact Academy, Enact Academy hereby grants you a freely revocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable limited right and license:

  • to access, internally use and display the Services, including the content, at your location solely as necessary to participate in the Online Courses as permitted hereunder; and 

  • to download content necessary for your participation in Online Courses. 

You must abide by all copyright notices or restrictions contained on the Websites, in any Online Course, or in the content. You may not delete any attributions, logos, legal or proprietary notices on the Websites, in the Online Courses, or on the content.


Enact Academy may provide Users with the ability to create forum posts, chat with other Users, view User discussions, enter responses to questions, upload documents, post content, discussions, materials, media, and other information throughout the Services (collectively, "User Content"). Enact Academy has no responsibility for User Content and does not guarantee that User Content is accurate, truthful, up to date, reliable, or appropriate, and disclaims any and all liability to you to the fullest extent of the law related to User Content. You understand and agree that your reliance and/or reference to such User Content is solely at your own risk. Enact Academy does not claim ownership of any User Content you, or other Users, may submit or make available for inclusion on the Websites or Online Courses. Accordingly, subject to the license granted to Enact Academy below, you will be the sole and exclusive owner of any and all rights, title, and interest in and to the User Content that you submit, post, or share via our Services. Enact Academy reserves the right to remove any User Content for any reason, at any time.

With respect to any User Content you submit to Enact Academy or that is otherwise made available to Enact Academy, you hereby grant Enact Academy an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free and non-exclusive license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly perform and publicly display such User Content on the Websites or in the Online Courses or otherwise exploit the User Content (with the right to sublicense such rights), for any purpose (including for any commercial purpose). 

To the extent that you provide any User Content through any of the Services, you represent and warrant that:

  • you have all necessary rights, licenses and/or clearances to provide such User Content and permit Enact Academy to use such User Content as provided above;

  • your User Content is accurate and reasonably complete;

  • you shall be responsible for the payment of any third-party fees related to your provision and use of such User Content;

  • your User Content does not violate and will not infringe or misappropriate any third party rights or constitute a fraudulent statement or misrepresentation; and

  • your User Content complies with all applicable local rules including but not limited to rules regarding online conduct and acceptable content.


You may be able to post messages to, and interact with, other Users, Enact Academy staff, and/or Enact Academy service providers through discussion forums, posts, chats, and a variety of similar mechanisms in the Services in connection with your participation in any Online Courses (collectively, “Interactions.”) Your use of these Interactions is subject to and governed by these Terms of Service. By using any of the communications methods available on the Online Courses, you acknowledge and agree that:

all Interactions are public, and not private, means of communication between you and the other party or parties; communications on Interactions are not pre-reviewed, post-reviewed, screened, archived, or otherwise monitored by Enact Academy in any manner, though Enact Academy reserves the right to do so at any time at its sole discretion in accordance with these Terms of Service. 

You acknowledge and agree that any Services Enact Academy provides to you via such Interactions may be monitored or recorded for quality control purposes and that the information or material provided as part of the services is considered "content" under these Terms of Service and is provided for educational purposes only.


You acknowledge and agree that Enact Academy’s Services are not available at all times and that certain usage limits may apply. You also understand that Enact Academy, at its sole discretion, may limit, suspend, or terminate your use of any of the Services, including, without limitation, those related to the Online Courses, such as records of Online Course completion, or other Enact Academy Services. You also understand that Enact Academy may modify or discontinue any or all of the Services related to its Online Courses at its sole discretion.


You acknowledge and agree that your use of any of the Services and all content is at your sole risk and responsibility. The Services and Online Courses (including any content) are provided "as is" and "as available" with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. You assume total responsibility and the entire risk for your use of the Services, Online Courses, and content. Without limiting the foregoing, we do not warrant that:

  • The Services, Websites, content, or the Online Courses will meet your requirements or expectations or achieve the intended purposes;

  • The Websites or the Online Courses will not experience outages or otherwise be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free;

  • The information or content obtained through the Services will be accurate, complete, current, error-free, completely secure, or reliable; or 

  • That perceived or real defects in the Services or content will be corrected. 

You assume all risk of personal injury, including death and damage to personal property, sustained from your use of Services.

To the extent permitted under applicable law, Enact Academy assumes no responsibility for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, malpractice, failure to warn, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any ideas, instructions, methods, tests, products or procedures displayed on the Services or incorporated in the Online Courses. Practitioners must rely on their own experience, knowledge and judgment in evaluating or applying any information, which remains their professional responsibility. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences and changes in government guidelines and regulations, we recommend independent verification of diagnoses, treatments, indications, and choices of medications and medication doses. Discussions, views, and recommendations expressed may not be considered absolute and universal for every situation. Enact Academy is not liable for any medical treatment provided by users to their patients, whether or not the Services or Online Courses were used in connection with such treatment.


Under no circumstances shall Enact Academy be liable to the User or any third party with respect to any subject matter of these Terms of Service (including any breach of security or data loss or User’s reliance on or use of anything learned in any online course in any manner) under any contract, negligence, strict liability or other theory for any indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or lost profits, loss or inaccuracy of data or documents or cost of procurement of substitute goods, services or technology, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or whether any remedy set forth herein fails of its essential purpose or otherwise. Enact Academy’s total cumulative liability arising out of or related to these Terms of Service will not exceed the amount of the fees received by Enact Academy from the complaining User for the use of the Services. The existence of multiple claims shall not expand or increase the foregoing limitation. 

The parties acknowledge that this clause reflects the agreed-upon allocation of risk between the parties and that Enact Academy would not enter into these Terms of Service or make the Services available to User without these limitations on liability. This limitation of liability will apply notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy set forth herein.

Some of the above limitations may not apply to you as not all jurisdictions allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages.


The Websites and/or Online Courses may contain links to pages or content on third-party websites ("Linked Sites"), and those Linked Sites may contain content or offer products and/or services for sale. Enact Academy does not author, edit, control, or monitor these Linked Sites. You acknowledge and agree that:

  • Enact Academy has no responsibility for the accuracy or availability of information provided by Linked Sites;

  • Enact Academy does not control or endorse the sponsors of such Linked Sites or the content, products, advertising, or other materials presented on such Linked Sites. 

We appreciate that Linked Sites may contain material in which the operator of the Linked Sites has intellectual property rights. We respect those rights and provide the links for information purposes only. The fact that we have linked to any Linked Site does not create or imply any relationship or partnership with the operator of such a Linked Site.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Enact Academy, its affiliates, and each of their officers, directors, agents, employees, and assignees from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, and damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, made by any third party relating to or arising out of: 

  • your use or attempted use of the Services in violation of these Terms of Service;

  • your use or attempted use of any information or any other content provided through the Services in a manner inconsistent with these Terms of Service;

  • your use or your violation of any law or rights of any third party; and/or

  • information you post or otherwise make available on or through the Services, including without limitation any claim of infringement of intellectual property or other proprietary rights.


You agree that Enact Academy, at its sole discretion, may deactivate your Account or otherwise terminate your use of the Services, or any part thereof, for any reason or no reason, including, without limitation, if Enact Academy believes that you have:

  • violated these Terms of Service;

  • infringed the intellectual property rights of Enact Academy or a third party; and/or

  • posted, uploaded, or transmitted Unauthorized Content to the Services.

You agree that any deactivation or termination of your access to the Services may happen without prior notice to you and that Enact Academy shall not be liable to you nor any third-party for any termination of your Account or access to the Online Courses or Services. You also acknowledge that Enact Academy may retain and store your information on Enact Academy’s systems notwithstanding any termination of your account or the Online Courses as set forth in our Privacy Policy.


Enact Academy respects the rights and intellectual property of others, and we ask our Users to do the same. If you believe that your work has been misrepresented or used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact Enact Academy with the following information:

  • a description of the product, work or other intellectual property that you claim has been misrepresented or infringed;

  • a link to the Online Course where the material is located that you claim is misrepresenting or infringing your product, work or other intellectual property;your address, telephone number, and email address;

  • a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the owner of the product, work, copyright or intellectual property, or its agent, or applicable law;

  • a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the product, work, copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on such owner’s behalf; and

  • an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the product, copyright, or other intellectual property interest.

All copyright correspondence should be directed to: contact@healthlearn.org  


These legal terms and your use of the services are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States, applicable to agreements made and to be entirely performed within the state of Massachusetts, without regards to its conflict of law principles.


Enact Academy may freely transfer or assign any portion of its rights or delegate its obligations under these Terms of Service. You shall not transfer or assign, by operation of law or otherwise, any portion of your rights or delegate your obligations under these Terms of Service without the prior written consent of Enact Academy. 

Enact Academy makes no representations that the Services operate (or are legally permitted to operate) in all geographic areas, or that the Services, or information, services or products offered through the Services are appropriate or available for use in other locations. 

If any provision of these Terms of Service is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, then that provision shall be deemed severable from the other provisions herein, and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. 

Enact Academy shall have no liability under these Terms of Service to the extent arising from any failure of Enact Academy to perform any of its obligations under these Terms of Service due to any fire, flood, earthquakes, other acts of God, war, civil unrest, terrorism, Internet failures, governmental act or court order, national emergency, failure or interruption of third-party services, strikes or labor disputes, or any other event not within Enact Academy’s reasonable control. 

Enact Academy shall not be responsible for damage or other problems caused by any unauthorized changes to these Terms of Service made by way of hacking or cracking this page.

Any delay or failure on the part of Enact Academy to enforce any rights under these Terms of Service to which it may be entitled shall not, in any event, be construed as a waiver of the right and privilege to do so at any subsequent time.

The section titles herein are displayed for convenience only and have no legal effect. 

These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between you and Enact Academy relating to the matters set forth herein, and shall not be modified except in writing, as posted on the Services by Enact Academy or through a specific writing between you and Enact Academy. 

Any notice which may be required to be given to us under these Terms of Service may be sent to us by emailing the following address: contact@healthlearn.org